History of Shiloh
The Shiloh Apostolic Church Of Jamaica Inc. was formed in November 1942, at a conference held at 16f King Street,Kingston Jamaica W.I.
The Organization was legalised on the 22nd of March 1963
Ever since its inception The Shiloh Apostolic Church of Jamaica believed and practiced holiness as demanded by God."Be ye Holy for I am Holy".
(1 Peter 1.14-16).
It is necessary then, that a standard be laid down to maintain the holy life of believers, not according to man's wisdom (Matt.15 8&9)but according to the living words of God In Shiloh our greeting motto is "Praise Jesus"
We believe that the name of Jesus Christ must be established among the heathen,infidels and ignorant. The publishing of the name of Jesus in every instance is highly necessary in these days.
To say "praise Jesus" sends a message to the unbelievers,strengthens the believer and keeps away the devil.
In Shiloh we will always use the name Jesus in all our doings.
We believe that women at all times should dress themselves in modest apparel.(1 Tim. 2:9.)
In Shiloh all members must abstain from sinful habits such as smoking,taking of drugs, alcoholic beverages, gambling, attending public places where sin is practiced nightclubs, dancehall, parties, theatres and
any such places. No member is allowed to work in or perform any of these types of businesses for their living. Abstain from all apperance of evil
(1 Thes. 5:22)
These precepts are not meant to restrict one's life but to maintain it at the level that Jesus demands.
Overseer Bishop Lee H. Walsh
The PRECEPTS of Shiloh are carefully laid down according to the scriptures. It is not possible at this time to bring to you the full contents, but in a nutshell, here are a few of the principles and doctrines.
We believe that there is one God, the creator of of all things. (Gen.1:1 & Jn.1:1.)
We believe that Jesus Christ is the natural part of God and not another God as some may think (Jn.14 7-10.)
We believe that Christ died and rose again (Luke 24:6.)
We believe in the resurrection of the dead (1 Thess 4:14-17.)
We believe in water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38 & 8:16.)
We believe in receiving the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. (Acts 2:4, Acts 8:17, 10:44-48 and 19:1-16.)
We believe in healing in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:6.)
We believe that all things must be done in the name of Jesus Christ. (Col. 3:17.)
Bishop Charles C. Walsh 1943 - 1967
Bishop Thomas Germain 1967 1974
Bishop Christine A. Walsh 1974 -1975 (Acting)
Charles C. Walsh
Christine A. Walsh
Thomas Germain
Oscar B. Richards
John Henry
Donald Richards
Stanley Lynch
Nevis Rowe
Eric G. Morrison
Ernest R. Foster
William A. Thomas
Jabez Thomas.
Bishop Sydney A. Dunn
Pastor Hannah McFarlane - Asst. Bishop Oscar B. Richards
Pastor Mavis Whilby -Asst.
Pastor Mavis Whilby
Evangelist Hepzibah Henry -Asst.
Evangelist Hephzibah Henry
Pastor Desirine Walsh -Asst..
Bishop Jabez Thomas
Bishop William A. Thomas
Bishop Daphne M. Walker
Bishop Eric Morrison
Bishop Nevis Rowe
Bishop Sigfie Johnson
Bishop Delroy Farr O.D.
Elder Kingsley Andrews B.D.-Asst.
Elder James Bennet - Malton
Pastor Gordon - Cheapside
Elder Septimus Richards - Kendal
Elder Kenneth Watson - John's Hall
Bishop Donald Richards - Swabys' Hope- Knock Patrick- Resource
Elder Alxander Boothe - Blue Mountain
Elder Henry Williams - Prospect
Evangelist Barbara Rowe - Newton
Curate Facey - Stephen's Run
Elder Roy Barrett - Rose Hall
Elder Consy Williams - Northampton
Elder James Stephens - Nine Miles
Pastor L. Germain - Frankfield
Elder Benjamin Cameron - Stewart Town
Pastor Nerise Bailey - Flint River
Evangelist E. Rhoden - Bonny Gate
Elder O.B. Walker - Gravel Hill
Pastor Mavis Whilby - Alva
Elder Berty Salome - Byndloss
Curate Elroy Gregory - Berwick
Pastor F. Foster - Lyndhurst Road
Pastor H. McFarlane - Kingston Lane
Elder Davis - Port Antonio
Elder Vivian Rose - Port Antonio
Pastor Ethlyn Mais - Arcadia
Pastor Ena Robinson - Landover Road,Maryland,U.S.A.
Bishop Sigfie Johnson - Mount Prospect
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